Play Therapy
Autism Assessment
Positive Behavior Support
LEGO-Based Therapy
Mental Health Counselling
Parent Coaching
Playful Healing Therapy is a Private Practice
We accept referrals from our partners:
Anglicare Victoria
Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
GPs and Medical Practices
Junction Support Services - VAP
Mariam Community - St. Vincent Care
NDIS Self and Plan Managed
Primary Care Connect
Rumbalara Aboriginal Family Services
The Bridge
The Orange Door
Victims of Crime
WorkSafe Providers

Play Therapy Process
Interview with
Initial session
with the child
The intake form gathers comprehensive information about the child and the child's history. It assists us in understanding the child and the reasons for referral. The form is available on our website and completed online (scroll up and click on "Intake Form").
This is an opportunity for the parents/caregivers and the therapist to have a more detailed conversation about the child and the family environment. The therapist will go over expectations and explain what play therapy is and, in conjunction with the parents/caregivers, set some timeframes and goals for the child. This session will take approximately 1 to 2 hours max.
The therapist will ask one of the parents/caregivers to stay in the playroom with the child. This is so the therapist can start building trust and engagement with the child and it will allow the child to feel safe by having a familiar face around. This is an opportunity for the therapist to observe the child and how they interact in the playroom environment.
This session will take approximately 45 min.
In the review meetings, the therapist will ask about the progress and/or regression of the child. Some regression is normal and expected. It's an opportunity to exchange information with parents/caregivers about the child's journey since starting play therapy and see if the initial goals set have been achieved.
This meeting will take approximately an hour.
Play therapy happens within the child's timeframe so rather than set an end to the play therapy sessions, we focus on the goals aimed for the child. Child-centred play therapy has four stages: Warm Up, Aggression, Regression and Mastery. It's not possible to establish the necessary number of sessions for the child to achieve Mastery.

Barbara Beirao
Barbara has worked in both the government and the not-for-profit sector, in New Zealand and Australia.
Barbara is a highly trained professional with extensive experience in providing mental health support to parents, adolescents, and children. Her expertise includes assessments, child-centered play therapy, and parent skills training. With her compassionate and caring approach, Barbara is dedicated to helping families navigate their mental health challenges and achieve positive outcomes.
Parents Recommend

Barb has been an amazing support for our child and our family. She has quickly built a strong connection with our child, and was able to recognise their strengths and challenges. Barb provided invaluable advice and practical strategies that have helped with emotional regulation, communication, and navigating school transitions. Her sessions are always safe and nurturing, and our child feels understood. Barb is highly experienced and compassionate, and has had a positive impact on our child’s development and well-being. Thank you, Barb.
Holly C.
Teresa C.
Barb has been a game-changer for our family.
She has built a connection and trust with our child and we have seen so much positive change in the time they have worked together.
She has also been a guide to us as parents with strategies to support our child. She's brought calmness to our household and we can not thank her enough for her help and support.
Barb has been absolutely incredible, in not only helping my daughter as well as helping me learn her triggers and how to cope with her on rough days, and is continuing to do awesome work.
Kirili D.
Barbara was incredible! She got to know my child and really accommodated to his needs and my families needs.
She really did help us a lot through a tough time. Cannot thank her enough!
Madeline P.